Friday, February 28, 2020

Inflation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Inflation - Essay Example There are different reasons that contribute to inflation in any economy which varies in terms of supply and demand of commodities in supply and the means of exchange (Baumol & Blinder, 2011, p 37). According to economists, moderate or low economic inflation can be caused by the increase in demand of commodities or the scarcity on the side of suppliers. On the other hand, hyperinflation is attributed to high supply of currency in the market in which the individual who possesses it buys commodities at high prices than they ought to cost under normal circumstances. This has ever been witnessed in different countries where currencies have inflated to trigger an economic threat to the businesses within the society. In attempts to curb the inflation from rising to hyperinflation, various methods have been implemented which have led to stabilisation of the economy and improve the predictability of the market conditions. In United Kingdom, UK inflation happened and the country implemented va rious methods that led to balancing of the economy so that investors could continue to invest in that economy. In looking at the effects of inflation, it is good to consider the various things that lead to it and means that can be used to control it with a practical example of a country that has ever been affected and implemented some methods they used to control it with a focus at the advantages and disadvantages of those methods. In the economy, there are different explanations that economists give as the causes of the economic inflation that affect nation; these are given according to the different types of inflation that are found within an area. In general, the general causes of inflation plays around supply and demand of various things in the market that have direct influence of on the prices of the commodity to be bought. This means that abundance or scarcity of a particular determinant of trade i.e. goods or services and means of exchange, can cause prices of the commodities to rise within a short period. Following this perception, the abundance on the side of demand causes prices to go high because of the competition that arise from the different buyers who are interested in a particular commodity. The other perspective that causes inflation is the scarcity on the side of the supply where only little products over which buyers compete to attain making the sellers to determine the buyer through high prices that are attainable by just a few of them. From this perspective, there are two major categorisation of inflation in the economy, which are dependent on supply and demand in the market where individuals trade and which include moderate and high rate or hyperinflation (Credan, 2006, p45). Moderate inflation is caused by different situation of the demand and supply of the products in the market and can result from increase in the demand for products or reduction of supply. As a result of increased demand for goods or services, many customers that requi re a particular product contest for it financially and can lead to high prices of such products as in accordance to the law of demand that says that the higher the demand, the lower the supply and hence, the higher the price of the commodity. This results to inflation because

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Abortion vs Adoption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Abortion vs Adoption - Essay Example Though there are many debates on making abortion safe for mothers, the fact is that no abortion may be considered safe. Considering the varying degrees of effects that affect the mother after this exercise, there should be no debate on the safety of an abortion. These complications may be physical, emotional, spiritual or psychological and do usually affect a mother for the rest of their lives. For instance, statistics today show that about 10% of all mothers in induced abortions have immediate serious complications, with 2% of these complications being life threatening. In addition, there are many mothers who suffer from many minor complications that may involve infections, damage to the uterus, too much bleeding, hemorrhages, and serious injuries in their cervix among others. Some of the major complications that are known today include premature births. This is because in induced abortions, the cervix is opened before its time is due, which damages the cervical muscles. Consequentl y, depending on the degree of the damage, as the woman bear another pregnancy, the baby increases pressure at the cervix where the weakened muscles open prematurely. Moreover, the mother may suffer from sterility on the long term with 3-5% of all aborting women becoming sterile after abortions mainly due to the morbidity of the process. This is more serious when a woman may have venereal disease at the time of an abortion. The major psychological effects related to abortion are mental problems. In a study of aborting mothers in their eight week after abortion, 44% of mothers complained of having nervous disorders, 36% complained of having some serious sleep disturbances, 31% bitterly regretted of having aborted their babies and 11% were placed under psychotropic drugs by a doctor (Ashton 1117). In fact, the research noted that women who had procured an abortion had much higher chances of admission in psychiatric facilities than those who did not. Moreover, these effects are compounded by increasing guilt, and increases in the level of anxiety in the mother, though there is a short period marked by post abortion numbness of what may be termed as emotional paralysis. Teenagers are particularly affected by these post abortion complications. These effects are mostly related to the internal conflict between one’s moral standards, ethics and the decision to abort, which explains the temporary period in which the mother feels relieved. Therefore, with these abortion danger s and side effects, there is need to consider a better and healthier approach for the mother and the baby in cases where the mother may not be interested in the; consequently, pro-adoption becomes the best alternative. In the last three decades, adoption practices have considerably changed in the US; today, there are many couples across the US willing to adopt a child than bearing their own child (Berry 125). This is because today there are more career based families where both partners are in highly involving careers and lack time to undergo the normal child bearing process, mainly driven by changes in the role of women in the labor force. Moreover, there are increasing cases of infertility among many couples, which increases the number of people seeking to adopt children (Berry 125). However, there is a trend where abortion practices, birth controls and a changed impression of families towards single motherhood has drastically reduced the number of available children for adoption (Berry 125). Considering these factors, there are no reasons for women to procure an abortion when there is an increasing demand of healthy children to adopt across the US. One of the adoption practices that has gained much success today is open adoption.